During a period of years new technologies have been emerging for entertainment like books, radio,TV etc... And one of them prevalent now is 3D technology. This paper will help understand what the contemporary 3D TV is and what can be its future technology and concept behind it. This paper explains issues that should be addressed to make it successful such as social and consumer issues.It also includes analysis of market and current market players.3D Motion pictures have been experienced by most of us in 3D theatres but time of 3D TV has come and we will no more hush for movie-tickets to have 3D experience and the experience is going to be much more astounding. Moving 3D ghost like images which is optical replica of an object have been part of many science fiction movies and if technology growth pace will not decline; these ghost will be found floating around in your home controlled by remote in your hand in near future.3D photography, TV and cinema have a long history. First widely used technology for 3 Dimensional movies has been developed in 1839 known as stereography. 3D images have been part of American cinema from 1950s, but experienced a worldwide recognition from 1980s. Stereoscopy is the widely used 3D technology used now-a-days. It is based on the binocular nature of perception of human eyes. It requires optical instrument (glasses) to separate the two streams from the TV for the two different human eyes.Stereoscopic displays used nowadays has a flip side, it can cause eye fatigue. Autstereoscopic 3D displays are developed to avoid the constraint of glasses. But is limited in providing 3D display to one user and user should be in the defined position to have 3d perception. Well Head tracking autostereoscopic displays have been developed to facilitate human movement but it is still limited to one user. FVV is another approach through which user defined viewpoint of the 3D images can be perceived.

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