Seminar in Refrigeration System
Heat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to exchange energy between the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance while in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three ways. First, this paper identifies a new dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include new refrigerants. Third, the
analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shown that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the low pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717

  • Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
  • Heat Exchanger Effect on Capacity Neglecting Mass Flow Rate Corrections
  • Heat Exchanger Effect on Capacity with Mass Flow Rate Corrections
  • Effect of Pressure Losses in the Liquid-Suction Heat Exchanger
  • Types of Heat Exchangers
  • Heat Exhcjangers In Refrigeration
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Key:Seminar on heat exchanger,Refrigeration ppt,Seminar on refrigeration,Heat exchanger seminar report,Heat and mass transfer seminar topics,Working of refrigerating system slide presentation