The Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor, or IGCT, is an advanced high-power semiconductor switch for power conversion which sets new performance standards with regards to power, reliability, speed,efficiency, cost, weight and volume. Despite these major simultaneous improvements on several fronts,IGCTs are eminently manufacturable and available today.A novel high power semiconductor switch is now commercially available. The IGCT combines in a unique manner the advantages of a thyristor, low on-state voltage drop and high blocking voltage ratings, with the rugged switching behaviour of the transistor. After a brief overview of the technology used, the main characteristics of the 5SHY 35L4502 are presented. Finally, examples for possible applications are given.
Development of GTO technology has led to a wide variety of applications in the range of 1 to 20 MVA, mainly adjustable speed drives and railway interties. Although these applications have proven the reliability and cost effectiveness of the GTO thyristor, there are still cumbersome
disadvantages of this technology. The inhomogeneous switching mode of the GTO gives rise to the need for dv/dt limiting snubber capacitors, and large dispersions in turn-off times complicate the series connection of GTOs.Recently a breakthrough in GTO technology was achieved by the introduction of the “Hard Driven GTO” leading to the possibility of snubberless switching [1]. This novel switching mode is characterised by an extremely fast commutation of the cathode current to the gate (Gate Commutated Thyristor) whereby the cathode emitter is turned off before the voltage at the main blocking junction rises (see Fig. 1). To achieve this the whole cathode current is commutated to the gate within less than 1 μs. Any regenerative action from the cathode which might lead to filamentation is therefore prevented, leaving just the p-base - n-base - anode emitter - pnp transistor active during turn-off. This turn-off mode led to the name of the new device:. As well
known from the IGBT, a transistor turn-off mode is very favourable for high turn-off ratings without a snubber.

  • Working Principles Of Thyristors 
  • Buffer Layer Transparent Emitter Technology
  • Characteristics Of Thyristors
  • Application of Thyristors
  • Transparent Emitter and Reverse Conduction
  • Controlled Diode Recovery
  • Reliability and Components Count of Thyristors
  • Gate Drive Requirements of Thyristors

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Key:Seminar report of Thyristors,Working Of Thyristors ppt,Power electronics seminar topics,Power electronics seminar report,Thyristors full seminar report,Thyristrors slide presentation,M-tech power electronics seminar topics,Electronics seminar report and ppt download.