Fuel from waste plastics Seminar Report and PPT
Plastic have become an integral part of our lives. Since plastics are relatively low cost and being easily available have brought a use and throw away culture. Each year more than 100 million tones of plastics are produced worldwide because of use and throw culture so plastics waste management has become a problem worldwide. In this paper, the process of converting waste plastic into value added fuels are explained which a solution for recycling of plastics. The waste plastics are subjected to depolymerisation, fractional distillations to obtain different value added fuels such as petrol, kerosene, and diesel, lube oil, furnace oil traction and coke. The process of waste plastic into fuels can literally change the economic scenario of our country. Thus, the process of converting plastics to fuel has now turned the problems into an opportunity to make wealth from waste.
Since Plastics are chemically inert polymers, they won’t degrade naturally. Pyrolysis is an effective method to handle plastic wastes. it is a process of thermal degradation in the absence of oxygen. Plastic & Rubber waste is continuously treated in a cylindrical chamber and the pyrolytic gases are condensed in a specially-designed condenser system.This yields a hydrocarbon distillate comprising straight and branched chain aliphatic, cyclic aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The resulting mixture is essentially the equivalent to petroleum distillate. The plastic / Rubber is pyrolised at 370ºC -420ºC and the pyrolysis gases are condensed in a series of condensers to give a low sulphur content distillate.
Production of fuel from waste

What is Pyrolysis
Application of pyrolisis
Production of Petrol from pyrolysis
Types Of Pyrolysis Technique
Commercial technology (CFFLS pyrolysis technology)
Random Depolimeraisation
Advantages and Applications Of Pyrolisis

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Key:Producing petrol from plastic waste seminar report,Pyrolysis slide presentation,Pyrolysis process ppt,Seminar report downloading,Automobile engineering seminar reports with slide presentaions