Industrial sectors, including the building sector,started to recognize the impact of their activities on the
environment in the 1990s. Significant changes were needed to mitigate the environmental impact of building
sector. The building sector had to focus on how buildings were designed, built and operated. One of the drivers was public policy, and another was the growing market demand for environmentally sound products and services.When aiming to reduce environmental impacts, a yardstick for measuring environmental performance was needed.The specific definition of the term “building performance” is complex, since
different actors in the building sector have differing interests and requirements (Cole, 1998). Economic
performance, for example, interests investors, whereas the tenants are more interested in health and comfort
related issues.Separate environmental indicators were developed for the needs of relevant interest groups. However, the first real attempt to “establish comprehensive means of simultaneously assessing a broad range of environmental considerations in buildings” was the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).Since the field of building environmental assessment tools is vast, the aim of this study is to clarify that field by analysing and categorising existing tools. The tools are analysed as a group rather than as individuals. The differences of the tools are discussed. Furthermore, the current situation within the tools is critically analysed and the future of the tools is speculated. Topics for further research are discussed
>Steps in Building Environmental Assessment Methodology
>Significants of Building Environmental Assessment Methodology

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