Seminar On NDT of Composite Materials
 Non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite materials can be expected to differ from that of metallic materials because composites differ markedly from metals and their
alloys. |n particular, composites are highly anisotropic,they exhibit low thermal conductivity, high acoustic attenuation,and poor electrical conductivity. As well, high performance metallic structures are conventionally made from material which is relatively free from unwanted defects,and in-service failures tend to originate from crack initiation at identifiable defects and occur after crack propagation.Hence Nor procedures can be based on the detection location of growing cracks, the importance of which can be determined using fracture mechanics. No similar predominant failure process has yet been identified for composite material, no procedure similar to fracture mechanics has been developed and many of the NOT needs are as yet not clearly defined.This review deals firstly with those NDT procedures which are reasonably well established for composite materials and which seek identifiable features believed to be of importance. Developments in additional techniques are then evaluated. Finally, techniques which show promise of development as predictors of failure, eg acoustic emission, are examined.
  • X-radiography
  • Ultrasonic C-scan
  • Neutron Radiography
  • Optical holography
  • Acoustic holography
  • Quality Controlling Of Composite Materials
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Key:NDT of composites seminar report,Composite non destructive testing pdf,seminar on NDT,Composite materials NDT,Non destuctive testing system for composite Materials,Quality tesing of composite materials,Quality controlling of composite materials,Seminar topics in material science,Seminar report &ppt