Membrane Bioreactor Seminar Report
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) combine the use of biological processes and membrane technology to treat wastewater. Within one process unit, a high standard of treatment is achieved, replacing the conventional arrangement of aeration tank, settling tank and filtration that generally produces what is termed as a tertiary standard effluent. The dependence on disinfection is also reduced, since the membranes with pore openings, generally in the 0.1-0.5mm range, trap a significant proportion of pathogenic organisms. The more common MBR configuration is to have the membrane immersed in the waste water, although a side stream configuration is also possible, with the wastewater pumped through the membrane module and then returned to the bioreactor. Operating at a mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration of up to 20,000 mg/L and a sludge age of 30-60 days, MBRs offer additional advantages over conventional activated sludge plants, including a smaller footprint.

  • Working of Membrane Bioreactor
  • Applications of Membrane Bioreactor
  • Advantages of Membrane Bioreactor
  • Water Purification through Membrane Bioreactor technology
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